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I guess I'll never understand

I guess I'll never understand  

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Author: BigT   Date: 10/30/2021 5:22:09 PM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You are correct.  According to Air Methods last published corporate presentation, EBITDA margin for their tourism segment was about 19 percent.  For the HAA segment, it was 33%.  So, as an HAA pilot, you contribute more to profitablity than pilots in other segments.  That's economics.  By the way, an argument can be made that Michael Jordan was underpaid- though he made millions- in terms of his contribution to net marginal revenue.  Share this with your HR minion next time you are looking for a raise.  I'm sure they will be glad to hear it.

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I guess I'll never understand +22/-1 HAA industry 10/30/2021 12:32:49 PM