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You're boinked (NT)

You're boinked (NT)  

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Author: See you in a year    Date: 10/19/2021 10:43:30 PM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

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DUI +0/-0 Otis 10/19/2021 8:41:44 PM
       DUI  +6/-0 Say wut  10/19/2021 9:05:03 PM
         DUI  +0/-0 OP 10/19/2021 9:43:33 PM
           To the OP  +12/-0 FAR 10/19/2021 9:57:15 PM
           DUI  +2/-0 being charged with or  10/19/2021 9:59:11 PM
       You're boinked (NT)  +1/-1 See you in a year  10/19/2021 10:43:30 PM
       DUI  +2/-0 Lawyer up 10/19/2021 10:45:30 PM
       DUI (NT)  +3/-0 Check with AOPA med folks 10/19/2021 10:52:07 PM
         DUI  +1/-0 Agree with you 10/20/2021 5:11:55 PM
       DUI  +0/-0 sadasd 10/19/2021 11:28:26 PM
       DUI  +1/-0 Link 10/20/2021 12:18:58 AM
       Gulf of Mexico pilot? Ask management of your  +20/-1 Company since most of them been  10/20/2021 1:38:27 AM
       DUI  +3/-0 So 10/20/2021 2:36:21 AM
       DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE IDIOTS  +2/-1 Look here 10/20/2021 9:03:45 AM
       DUI (NT)  +0/-0 Ame 10/20/2021 10:16:17 AM
         DUI  +1/-0 the way this works 10/20/2021 12:34:51 PM
           DUI  +0/-0 cheap 10/20/2021 2:19:17 PM
       DUI  +0/-0 U phucd up 10/21/2021 11:18:56 AM
         DUI  +0/-1 one dui will probably not mean  10/21/2021 12:01:43 PM
           DUI  +0/-1 Go get one and find out 10/21/2021 11:15:00 PM
             DUI  +0/-1 How hard are the tests 10/22/2021 7:22:41 AM
               DUI  +0/-1 Been there done that 10/22/2021 8:30:26 AM
                 DUI  +0/-1 all that from 10/22/2021 9:24:14 AM
                   DUI  +0/-1 Go get one and find out 10/22/2021 10:08:34 AM
                 DUI  +0/-1 say wut 10/22/2021 2:21:33 PM
                   DUI    +1/-1 Have You Met Any Good And  10/22/2021 2:59:21 PM
                     DUI  +0/-2 yeah well 10/22/2021 3:09:13 PM