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Never have I ever

Never have I ever  

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Author: Bro dude   Date: 7/4/2024 10:30:58 PM  +2/-11   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

always trying to pick an argument.

OP was talking about the decline and you over here spouting bs about people being responsible eaters.


12 people got sick retard.  On a fully booked international flight I'd say that was less than 10%.


So OBVIOUSLY some did choose not to eat.  MORON


Once again you miss the point that bad food has never been offered on a flight till now.  Not once has a plane ever had to fkin turn around and end it's path in a place not intended as the destination originally for bad food.


Think Macfly think for once in you damn life.


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Never have I ever +1/-2 Pasta a la mold 7/4/2024 6:50:24 PM