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EC135 P3

EC135 P3  

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Author: IP   Date: 11/23/2024 11:21:53 AM  +4/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Yes, the pedals are more touchy. In reality it’s not the pedals are more touchy it’s there is less yaw stability overall, really a combination of both is what you’ll feel. 

There are no end plates on the horizontal stabilizer, the bumper is basically non existent. I’ll never understand why Airbus did that and didn’t think there would be a problem. If you do not have the kit installed that increases the height of the vertical stabilizer, you will be limited to 90kts when using. IAS hold in IMC. There was an issue at high weight, high speed turns at altitude when in IAS hold the aircraft would be uncoordinated.

The fix was the kit that increased the higher of the vertical fin which is standard on the P3H. The P3 blades are slightly longer, and increased by 1.5% and slightly different fadec software means the performance is noticeably better than a P2+. 2980kg gross mass takeoff allowed and a ramp weight of 3000kg. It all helps with IFR fuel. 

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           EC135 P3  +4/-0 IP 11/23/2024 11:21:53 AM
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