The substandard Bell product
Author: All Bell Ever Did Was... Date:
11/10/2024 4:31:41 PM +3/-0
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Attempt upgrades to their aging fleets instead of financing the R&D into totally new airframes. Back in the late 80's, MBB/ECD/Airbus realized the US market demand, specifically in the HAA and Offshore sectors, and developed aircraft to meet that need. Bell additionally placed most of their research into the tilt-rotor, which is a advanced concept. But in the civil sector, it isn't [at this point] economically feasible. This basically ran Bell out of any of the competitive HAA and Offshore market[s]. Personally, I am like a lot of the older guys here in that I have a lot of time in the old Bell products. In their day, great aircraft. Been in the Airbus products since 1990 and prefer the Airbus much more. The adage, "You snooze, you lose," is relevant to Bell. Sikorsky and MD didn't do anything to help their product line, either...
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The substandard Bell product
+16/-1 No comparison to Airbus 11/10/2024 12:02:51 AM