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$20/hr for fast food workers in California

$20/hr for fast food workers in California  

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Author: Can't believe your post   Date: 11/2/2023 2:37:01 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

There is nowhere in the US that sells a big mac for $16. In fact there is nowhere in the US that sells a big mac meal for $16. A two minute search using the Mcdonalds app showed that I can order a Big Mac meal for $5.49 in LA, $6.69 in Boston , and $6.19 in Manhattan, NY. The meals are $10.19, $10.49, and $10.99.

Massachusetts has the most expensive Mcdonalds meals in the country including Alaska and Hawaii. That took an extra minute to find via google. 

By the way, the dollar menu was a loss leader for the company because they knew you would spend more money when you came in for your egg mcmuffin.  

You ask what's not to believe about it? Your post apparently. Granted it is more expensive than in 2004 but so is everything else. Why lie when you know the real information is just a few clicks away for anyone who wants to call you out? 

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$20/hr for fast food workers in California (NT) +2/-3 Ridiculous! 11/1/2023 4:06:54 AM