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Here's the Track of N611VG today

Here's the Track of N611VG today  

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Author: Cheap   Date: 6/8/2023 7:17:15 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

That’s a good point but consider this. Most intercom panels on jets are between the seats and the fuselage, in other words between the pilots outside leg and the fuselage structure. That is probably where a hand mic would be plugged in and down and out of sight and out of the way. He was probably on a headset/boom mic with a transmit switch on the forward side of the wheel. The captains switch is on the left side of his wheel and the F/Os switch is on the right side of his  wheel, thus leaving the inside hand/arm for throttle control. I don’t think those women could figure out the radios. Another point going against my jab theory is that if the pax were alive why couldn’t the jet jocks see any activity in the cabin? The jet jocks said they could see inside cockpit and see the pilot slumped over. Maybe they did see the ladies in back but they for sure won’t let that part of the story out in consideration of the family. I think it will come down to if the windows were frosted over or not. A couple of pictures will tell the story.

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Here's the Track of N611VG today +2/-0 Anonymous 6/4/2023 8:11:56 PM