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Why do some MEDCOM kids talking on a UNICOM freq think they need to answer

Why do some MEDCOM kids talking on a UNICOM freq think they need to answer   

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Author: New IP Guy   Date: 4/26/2023 10:54:30 AM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

That was me. I have a RTOP. I looked in the direction the wind sock was pointing, and there was no "TRAFFIC".

Out of reflex I looked in the direction of the open side of the windsock, and there you were. It was at that moment I realized that you were a cowboy, or just incompetent, so I had to say something. Do you remember that just then I answered you "EAT THE CARROT" ? Where were you the day they taught traffic patterns? 

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Why do some MEDCOM kids talking on a UNICOM freq think they need to answer +2/-3 every radio call made in/out of helipad? 4/25/2023 9:55:29 PM