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One mechanic a week!!

One mechanic a week!!  

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Author: Helo Mech   Date: 3/30/2023 10:20:51 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Its a game they play. The herd needs to be thinned out according to the pencil pushers so they can hire lower paid mechanics. Its done all the time in business. Once you have topped out in pay, they have to start looking for ways to get rid of you and since mechanics are a dime a dozen as far as they are concerned, your days are numbered no matter how long you've been there or how great an employee you are. I've been told to push guys out the door before and if I wanted to keep my job and be able to feed my family, thats what happened. As the old saying goes, "Thats why tool boxes have wheels".

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One mechanic a week!! +6/-1 The Apprentice  3/30/2023 3:53:48 PM