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So what is the deal with the NC Crash—??

So what is the deal with the NC Crash—??  

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Author: Inquiring Minds   Date: 3/27/2023 8:43:55 AM  +9/-3  

The NC Crash a couple weeks back. There was a flurry of bulletins and then--nothing.

Now of course the NTSB report won't be out until 3 years or so from now and then it will be buried in the Congressional Record or something similar that's out of sight and by then people will have moved on so any lessons that could/should come out of it will be lost.

But, while it's still fresh -- the word is that the guy was tooling along too low and hit a hill. Is this in fact what happened? Not interested in paralysis by analysis, just one simple question-- did he hit a hill enroute or not?

Asking because if he did, this shows that despite all highfalutin' SMS / TAWS / RADALT etc. etc. etc. constantly being asked for by the blabbermouth NTSB, guys will still be corking off instead of paying attention to the basics, and hit things. 


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So what is the deal with the NC Crash—?? +9/-3 Inquiring Minds 3/27/2023 8:43:55 AM