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Jet Blue / Spirit pay increase

Jet Blue / Spirit pay increase  

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Author: RTAGer   Date: 1/31/2023 4:49:13 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

at JetBlue the min guarantee as a reserve pilot is 75 hours a month,  as a line holder that min guarantee is 70 hours per month.


so a reserve A320 FO that flies very little will make:

Y1 - 93k (108k with 16% 401k contribution)

Y3 - 172k  (200k with 16% 401k contribution)

An A320 line holder usually flies between 80-90 hours a month and can pick up premium pay trips.  Assuming 80 hours and no PP:


Y1 - 104k  (120k with 16% 401k contribution)

Y3 - 188k  (218k with 16% 401k contribution)

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Jet Blue / Spirit pay increase +1/-3 RTAGer 1/31/2023 1:58:14 PM