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I know what- just tell me what I did never happened.

I know what- just tell me what I did never happened.  

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Author: olderendirt   Date: 2/22/2022 10:28:12 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

"... you can't anymore probably because of lazy idiots like you"

Hateful, spiteful much? It's an abuse ny your employer, not me.

How is expeditious completion of assigned duties "lazy"? How many times must I complete instruction that my employer is too lazy to adapt, change to applicable education?

Anybody here ever had to build a Dakota fire? Nearly impossible in my (and most) AO, especially in a surprise situation without tools, roots and rocks make it challenging, difficult even with tools. The Dakota fire is useless to most people, as useless as learning too build a snow igloo.

P.S. I can build and start a useful fire in the open with wet fuel and two matches 99+% of the time. The only times I've failed at it was trying to recover a failed fire by somebody who couldn't do it without accelerants. 

Is learning that blue jeans are almost useless insulation useful to you?

There are myriad other examples of useless CTS instruction modules. Why would, should we waste our time  being instructed on something we can already do better, faster than the instrutions? If the instruction is so simple 

Grow the feck up and accept what is rather than spending your energies blaming, hating other people who may or may not have caused changes in restriuction

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CTS +0/-4 Otis 2/18/2022 12:34:25 PM