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now you're being insulting

now you're being insulting  

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Author: Anonymous   Date: 2/8/2022 12:59:01 PM  +9/-17   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

i wouldn't join that crowd of clueless clowns. no, i quit. biggest reason: whiners like you.

and nobody thinks fatigue isn't a thing. stop being such a passive aggressive fem wannabee whiner. grow up.

if you are too tired to do the job, speak up and say so. be a man. you will get time off. are you afraid of what somebody might think? are you afraid of retaliation? what a p*ssy. man up. grow up.

on the other hand, if working 16 hours and then getting 10 hours off makes you too tired to do your job, you need to make some major lifestyle changes. stop boozing, stop smoking, lose some of that lard off of your *ss, get out of the lazy boy and spend a couple hours walking every day, get a strong mental attitude. in a couple of months you'll be a new man, well, a man, anyway. 

you are not cut out for aviation. quit and give the seat to somebody who will act like a man. 

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Does your company require you to +1/-3 take a flight if it means 2/8/2022 12:19:53 PM