Freebie HeliOps 2025 Calendar
Author: A. Guru Date:
11/15/2024 2:40:20 AM +3/-2
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I'll swear on my dead Grandmother, Grandfather and everyone else who came before me that that story played out exactly as I wrote it here. You sir are a bold basement dwelling piece of $#!t who does nothing but call out on things you have no clue about. You are the embodiment of every bad pilot in all of my horrible pilot stories.
And you can meet me in Galveston at PHI if you think those are all BS. I'll make you eat an 11,000 lbs torque wrench through your broken teeth.
David Danna Galveston Avionics Sch 1 PHI
Come find me.
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Freebie HeliOps 2025 Calendar
+4/-0 Ned @ HeliOps 11/13/2024 5:15:27 PM