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How times have changed between Maintenance and Pilot

How times have changed between Maintenance and Pilot  

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Author: observer/user   Date: 6/3/2024 9:27:50 AM  +1/-6  

Where I work the relationship between Maintenance and Pilots has changed to the point of adversary. It's sad but true. Distrust, major back-stabbing, both maint. and peelot wanting to be the star of the show. Peelot not as personalable and think they are god's gift all while not performing to the level of the past. Likewise Maintenance thinking they are the reason for aviations existence Yet Not doing their jobs very well at all and in many cases "black box changers' who couldn't solve many maintenaces issues if their life depended on it. Yes, I know your place is great and none of this exists but this is out there.

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How times have changed between Maintenance and Pilot +1/-6 observer/user 6/3/2024 9:27:50 AM