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PSA for the new guys

PSA for the new guys  

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Author: Fly friendly   Date: 5/8/2024 2:49:16 AM  +4/-4  

It's that windy season again.


If it's blowing 25 and gusting 35, and you just came in from offshore where it was even windier, don't try to set her down on the pad right next to the pis-sed off mechanic working on the parked broke one.  Especially if there are plenty of empty pads even closer to the ops building. 


Do the smart thing and go land the Fk over there and keep from blowing this dude away.  It may save you from having him jump down your throat when you finally shut down and he recovers his tools, cart, rags, attitude....that you just blew off into oblivion.


Also, you guys look so squirrelly and sketch trying keep it steady...drifting almost into the parked bird ......that the avionics guy is probably sitting in .....he'll either almost $#!t's himself or bails out completely when you are waving your tailrotor mere inches from his windbubble. 

Especially Don't scare the Avionics tech like that, they are fragile old endangered and rare creatures that don't move very fast anymore.  And it's getting harder to find replacements.  

If you see him trippin over tie downs trying to get away from you....and your blender of death, it's because you almost put your tailrotor thru his brain muscle and he values that greatly.

The mechanic is used to this moronic behavior from you and has grown accustomed to it and will probably be ok after a day or two. But the avioinics tech will remember who you are, as the one who almost ended him and dwell on it, as it most certainly has scarred him for life, and is likely to post about it on a forum like this.

And every pilot knows, the avionics guy is the one you really need to keep on good standing with. 

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PSA for the new guys +4/-4 Fly friendly 5/8/2024 2:49:16 AM