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Vuichard Autorotation

Vuichard Autorotation  

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Author: OCONUS IP   Date: 4/26/2024 11:56:18 PM  +5/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Your company is foolish!  I've been teachinhg to make a turn or do a quick decel to get out of SWP long before the "Vuichard Method."  Do the diagram yourself.  As soon as you tilt the rotor disk in any direction, it breaks up the vorticies and disrupts the recirculation.

As for the "Vuichard Auto," nothing new there.  The decel and cushion of your auto has ALWAYS been a function of your landimg area; and that will almost assuredly NEVER be over a runway or long, flat, level area.  Oh, and rotor rpm control and conserving of as much rpm as possible for touchdown and cushioning pitch has ALWAY been the priority!

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Vuichard Autorotation +5/-2 Huh? 4/26/2024 8:48:11 PM