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Who the hell is Lauren Sanchez and how much did Bezos pay…

Who the hell is Lauren Sanchez and how much did Bezos pay…  

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Author: One who doesn't worship at the CNN altar   Date: 1/22/2024 2:25:53 PM  +6/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

My understanding is she became involved with Bezos thru her brother who worked for Bezos in another capacity. She became his corporate Helicopter co- pilot.  Even the dimmest among you can figure out the rest.  Living Legend of Aviation is just another Hollywood Mutual Admiration Society.  Prince Harry 247 hrs. TT, front seat gunner ?  Lauren Sanchez  an accomplished gold prospector/helicopter pilot, John Travolta host and pilot.  Money and ego and Media can accomplish anything.

Most of the pilots I know went to Viet Nam with more hours than the Prince.  Sorry for the disgust.  I truly should have more compassion for you younger people.  I hope not all of you are buying into the false reality that is going on around you and if this Living legend example does not open your eyes at least a little bit your not looking and If your not looking you are complicit .  

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Who the hell is Lauren Sanchez and how much did Bezos pay… +1/-1 Crack Pipe 1/22/2024 10:04:16 AM