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PHI Union meeting

PHI Union meeting  

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Author: Talk about missing the point   Date: 1/19/2024 5:43:02 AM  +3/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

My $#!t's been paid for since the day I swindled the used car dealer to let me have it under book because of the list of $#!t I told him my mechanic (me) said was broken on it.  "That I fixed myself btw."


I know it's not gonna "become any more expensive."


It never was.  Because it wasn't built by union hands in a US factory.  It was imported from JAPAN where they still have a hard work ethic and turn out TOP QUALITY $#!t that everyone wants, and is still in demand today.


MADE IN AMERICA used to mean it was the BEST quality you could get.  But that was back in the OLD DAYS where my out of touch and OLD ideas originated.

You f'ing young punks these days have no clue what it means to work with you hands and actually fix or BUILD something of quality.  And that's what's wrong with this country. 

You all went to flight school on daddy's money and have zero work ethic.  You wiggle sticks all day and call it hard work.  Then when the going gets tough and you can't pay the bills your wife keeps running up with your current salary, you all bitch about a raise and expect some crap union to go get it for you.


I invite you to step into the real world with the little people who have to actually work for a living, prove themselves to keep a job, and most times struggle to make ends meet. 

You have no idea.  F your union BS.

Real mechanics know.  You are trying to sell Bitcoin tokens at a nursing home. Get the F outta here.

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PHI Union meeting +1/-1 complete failure, 32 people 1/18/2024 12:36:20 PM