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Union organizers earn it everyday! It's free money for them!

Union organizers earn it everyday! It's free money for them!  

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Author: Union Man   Date: 1/9/2024 1:26:18 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Union Organizers are salary employees, often not seeong their families for weeks at a time. I'm a union organizer and most of our members actually make more than I do. This is something you have to believe in, its not for greedy people trying to get rich. There are no bonuses for winning a campaign, just the incentive to do a good job and maybe you'll be promoted one day. Me, i'm a heavy equipment operator by trade. I'm not college educated or a politician, it's actually a really hard job. Imagine having to deal with people you dont even know trashing you everyday because someone asked you if your organization would please help them. People like you for example... You put in hour and hours of your pernosal time, late nights, research, calls at all hours trying to help a company with garbage pay, retirement and some serious safety issues. not to mention a 50% turnover rate per year, offering big bonuses for new hires but running them off before they get it and pinching every nickel they can out of their exixting employees... just to be sh$t on. I know what ive done for the helicopter mechanics ive organized in Louisiana. Their first contract they saw a $7 an hour raise, our mech II's make more than your leads running 3 hangers in 3 different cities... Have a good day "anonymous" if you change your mind click here to request a card. PHI A-CARD REQUEST | Iamaw W2021 (

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PHI mechanic (NT) +2/-4 Union 2024 1/1/2024 1:57:15 PM