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Do no military U.S. operators have blade de-ice?

Do no military U.S. operators have blade de-ice?  

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Author: 76’er   Date: 12/24/2023 10:10:23 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

RIPS system was initially proposed but due to the amount it would decrease an already lower useful load than its C+ and ++ predecessors it was never offered on the D.

For helo known ice cert in the US I'd venture it'd have to be a 139 or larger. The only 139's that come to mind flying HAA in the US are in southern / warmer climates. Anyone know of 139's flying HAA in cold climates in the US? 

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Do no military U.S. operators have blade de-ice? +1/-1 Eau Sale 12/24/2023 7:52:54 AM