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Strange Issue, any ideas?

Strange Issue, any ideas?  

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Author: Pdibs187   Date: 12/8/2023 8:29:36 AM  +5/-11  

I wanted to share a rather peculiar experience I had recently, which still has me scratching my head. It's not every day you encounter something that defies explanation, but here goes.
Last week, I was flying a routine night mission from Galveston, Texas to Cameron, Louisiana. The weather was clear, and the Gulf of Mexico looked calm and inviting under the moonlit sky. Everything was going as smoothly as any regular flight, until I reached the vicinity of Sabine Pass, Texas.
That's when things started getting weird. My instruments, which were functioning perfectly until then, began to malfunction. The altimeter was going haywire, the GPS was losing its signal, and even the communication systems were acting up. At first, I thought it was a technical glitch, but what happened next was something I couldn't have anticipated in my wildest dreams.
Suddenly, over the aircraft's radio, I heard music. But it wasn't just any music - it was a 1940’s jazz tune, clear as day, as if being broadcast right next to me. This was especially bizarre since I was miles away from any source that could play such a tune, let alone broadcast it.
As I tried to make sense of this auditory mystery, I noticed something in the sky. A strange, blue aurora, undulating in waves, almost like the Northern Lights, but different. It was surreal, casting an eerie glow over the sea. This visual spectacle, accompanied by the unexplained music, lasted for about two minutes.
The most bizarre part? As soon as I flew away from Sabine Pass, everything returned to normal. The instruments stabilized, the radio silence resumed, and the blue aurora vanished, leaving me in the tranquil darkness of the night sky.
I've flown this route numerous times, but never experienced anything remotely close to this. I checked with air traffic control, and they had no reports of unusual activity or malfunctions in the area. It's as if this event was meant for me alone.
I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but the whole experience felt almost extraterrestrial, or at least something not of our regular understanding. Maybe there's a logical explanation, maybe not. But it's an experience I thought worth sharing with this community. Have any of you had similar experiences? I'm all ears.
Safe skies,

Paul Davis

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Strange Issue, any ideas? +5/-11 Pdibs187 12/8/2023 8:29:36 AM