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What is the absolute best job

What is the absolute best job   

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Author: All of them   Date: 11/23/2023 6:13:48 PM  +2/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

through a 49 year career.  Military, bank checks, Powerline, cable, pipeline, photo - both still and video, exec transport, survey, general, offshore, onshore, IFR/IMC, MLS, ILS, BC, circling, external load IMC, corporate VFR and IFR,  and HAA day/night, NVG, etc.

There ya go.  Lots of variety, travel, challenge, people, cultures, and all the rest.  Not going to happen in a FW. career that I know about, but, life is for living, eh?

Forget the wealth building and go for the LIFE building - long lost secret!!

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What is the absolute best job (NT) +1/-2 In the helicopter pilot industry? 11/22/2023 8:40:32 AM