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HAA is the worst job known to mankind

HAA is the worst job known to mankind  

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Author: THERE are other Heli jobs    Date: 11/17/2023 10:26:27 AM  +1/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

than HAA>.......HAA is what you make of it....its a easy might be on hitch for 7 days and NOT turn a blade and get a paycheck for it, especially OT>....I am at a HAA base where the crews are pretty cool and NO drama here, that the lead has worked hard for.....its actually a good base and volume....BUT if you don't like EMS then there are other Heli jobs out there.....why no do a Seasonal job flying fires with No benefits, no 401k and your hustling for that $$$$>...

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HAA is the worst job known to mankind +17/-2 not too late to get your FW stuff done 11/17/2023 10:18:29 AM