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Notice no one left amc after contract got approved and the bonus

Notice no one left amc after contract got approved and the bonus  

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Author: Funny thing is, I know of 4   Date: 11/14/2023 5:42:41 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Personally thay have put their two weeks notices in. Got that $15k and are bouncing. 1 at my base and 3 more that I know of in the Colorado river. What you idiots don't understand is no one is straight up quiting day one. Two week notices are being put in. I think in December we will have a better understanding.

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Notice no one left amc after contract got approved and the bonus (NT) +0/-7 All that crying for nothing  11/13/2023 8:11:53 AM