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Company Seniority?

Company Seniority?  

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Author: The New Language   Date: 11/12/2023 7:18:42 AM  +0/-1  

Company Seniority is defined as the “cumulative length of service with the Company,” and shall govern Vacation and Sick accruals.
So, does this mean that everyone who, in the past, worked for the company, then QUIT and to work for the competition for a while, then came back gets seniority based on his "cumulative length of service with the company"?
Does that mean that until this was ratified, those who quit and worked for the competition for a while, then came back wasn't supposed to get seniority based on hsi "cumulative lenght of service with the company?"
There are a LOT of company pilots who qualify for this speciial privilage now.   Are they all going to have their seniority adjusted based on this new language?   Or only those few who somehow got this deal way before the new language was ratified?

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Company Seniority? +0/-1 The New Language 11/12/2023 7:18:42 AM