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HAA Pilot

HAA Pilot  

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Author: Job Search   Date: 11/8/2023 4:27:12 PM  +1/-1  

Why do the HAA companies make searching their web-sites so difficult to search. Med Trans don't even list the aircraft type on some job listings. Try searching EC145 and no jobs come up even though there are a few.

AMC has different search terms for different areas. Some show rotor pilot while other show helicopter pilot, (just search pilot and you get management and fixed wing jobs). 

Why can't they make it easy?

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HAA Pilot +1/-1 Job Search 11/8/2023 4:27:12 PM
       HAA Pilot  +1/-1 Good question 11/8/2023 5:01:22 PM
       Not Pilots  +5/-2 at the controls 11/8/2023 5:53:54 PM