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EMS is a joke

EMS is a joke  

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Author: yeah OP    Date: 10/16/2023 11:42:49 AM  +2/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

keep your mouth sound whinny, like a typical millenial....BRO...EMS is the easiest job you will get flying....your just being a baby....Do you do the billing for your company?  Do you fight for reimbursement etc....WHY do you even care on who you fly...."take a toll on the aircraft"....your a idiot if you haven't flown any other job besides this..relax...get your cup of coffee in the am and take your nap and do you MAYBE 1 fligtht a day grandpa....geeeez whine baby

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EMS is a joke +26/-9 OsCarNOvEmbercHarlie 10/16/2023 8:04:05 AM