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Avoidance is the key

Avoidance is the key  

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Author: VRS guy   Date: 10/6/2023 9:37:09 AM  +3/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

You don't see guys going out and doing full stalls in swept-wing jets and such. Too risky. Better to avoid those flight regimes altogether. We helicopter pilots don't have the benefit of stall-warners and stick-pushers, but our attitude should be the same: Avoidance. You have to be a real dunce to get into VRS. If you're coming down steeply and slowly (i.e. below ETL) and you're not sure where the wind is, you must be *hyper* aware of indications that you're entering VRS/SWP. In real life, VRS never happens up at a safe altitude where there's plenty of room to recover. It happens down low, at the bottom of a bad approach. And if it does happen then, you're probably going to crash no matter what technique you try to apply. So don't focus so much on how to get out of it - focus more on not getting into it.

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Settling with Power +0/-1 Satoshi method  10/5/2023 4:17:29 PM