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That's stand AMC pay man

That's stand AMC pay man  

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Author: AMC Guy   Date: 9/17/2023 1:07:11 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Standard entry ay at for AMC. They'll pay around $3K toward a move after you've been there 6 months if I remember right.

If you negotiate you can probably pull off mid to higher end of that scale. Not sure of cost of living for that area to know if worth it or how near sister bases are to help get OT.

And AMC does hire lots of robbie rangers. Worked at AMC twice and both indocs half the classes were them and half were really experienced guys from all career backgrounds. The robbie rangers had all just done their minimum 1 yr of tours in the canyon or gulf flying to land an EMS job (not that that was a requirement but it seemed like AMC wanted 1 yr min experience after all the robbie time/experience). That was before the big pilot shortage so no telling what it's like now.
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Classic Air Medical +20/-1 Ft Mohave, AZ pilots  9/17/2023 4:11:38 AM