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Im a vet

Im a vet  

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Author: Hope   Date: 8/28/2023 4:40:43 PM  +1/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

he declared it on his FAAmefical.  VA and FAA cross talk!  Not kidding.

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Im a vet +9/-3 I know the system is workable  8/27/2023 2:56:45 PM
       Im a vet  +0/-3 Real vets 8/27/2023 5:50:45 PM
         Im a vet  +0/-0 Well bro 8/27/2023 5:56:38 PM
           Im a vet  +1/-1 Says the coward 8/27/2023 5:58:03 PM
             Im a vet  +2/-3 broken 8/28/2023 10:39:55 AM
               Im a vet  +1/-0 Ems  8/28/2023 2:47:57 PM
                 Im a vet  +0/-0 THe real vets guy 8/28/2023 4:19:45 PM
       Im a vet  +1/-0 Hope 8/28/2023 4:40:43 PM
       Im a vet  +0/-0 Retired 8/30/2023 8:42:37 AM
         Im a vet  +0/-0 >> 8/30/2023 5:16:38 PM