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Me? Slackjawed? Gimme a sec to come up with a response

Me? Slackjawed? Gimme a sec to come up with a response  

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Author: Diesel Dave Fan   Date: 8/20/2023 9:43:08 PM  +4/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Wow, such hatred and vitriol! (You can look that last word up if you're stumped.) What a pleasant person you must be to have around. Sadly, you're just another angry, easily-triggered JH poster. I wouldn't necessarily say that you *are* a helicopter pilot, but you sure sound like one!  Sooooo, let's see if you've got my number!  I've definitely got yours ;-)  

You say that I am:

a sideways wearing baseball hat (wrong)

slack jawed, (wrong)

dumbass (wrong, although right, according to my ex-wife)

diesel dave fan (right!)

guy makes millions off retards like you (I don't know about millions, but he gets a "click" from me now and then)

I just wish I thought of it first.  (But you didn't. Because in all likelihood, the wellspring of "good ideas" in your ancestry ran dry a long time ago, leaving you to criticize people who have actual good ideas and the wherewithal to capitalize on them.)

"Diesel Dave" Sparks has probably done more for aviation, and certainly more for society in general than you EVER have or will. If he makes a few bucks off it, I'm not going to complain. But you go ahead, gramps!

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Diesel Brothers +1/-2 Scoop? 8/19/2023 1:51:13 AM