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When The Ramp Area Is Too Crowded

When The Ramp Area Is Too Crowded  

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Author: Anonymous    Date: 8/11/2023 9:11:26 AM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

That's hilarious. What a huge ramp!

I knew a guy who made IP of the year at Rucker who the next month after the award taxied a Blackhawk into a telephone pole at an FBO.
Actually felt bad for the guy as it was a tight-ish area and he was actually a really great guy so I hated for it to happen to him versus one of the other bozo, grouchy IP's that needed to retire 10-20 years ago.

Unfortunately in multi-crew aircraft there's no excuse when it comes to ground taxi accidents. At least one person can hop out and go ground-guide.
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When The Ramp Area Is Too Crowded +0/-0 Just My View 8/11/2023 8:36:06 AM