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GMR giving another 3% next quarter for a total of 6% this year

GMR giving another 3% next quarter for a total of 6% this year   

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Author: Billy big rig   Date: 8/2/2023 1:11:30 AM  +0/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Take a lesson from Yellow trucking. Union shills jerked around and convinced the members to take a little; give back a lot. Yellow refused to update equipment, pay better wage, short retirement contribution, etc,etc. All while paying out fat cat bonuses. Executives took everything and bankrupt the entire company.

union negotiators should work, negotiate and deliver each day in the actual belief that typical f-aroundery is likely to result in fresh shades of bruising at the hands of the membership.

phrases like good faith, no job action, cooling off period should be done away with.

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GMR giving another 3% next quarter for a total of 6% this year (NT) +3/-2 AMC can’t even get a single raise! 8/1/2023 3:52:57 PM