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Author: Diamonds are Forever   Date: 8/1/2023 9:53:11 AM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I pride myself on having seen every bond film, some several times.  You know what film I've not seen that much of?  Diamonds are Forever.


Why is that?  Could it be it is never aired on all the old movie channels?  Why is that?  Could it be that it's been black listed by the Networks because it shows a scene where bond crashes the villans base where they are fliming on a soundstage a lunar land scape, with astronauts walking around a lander, he then steals the lunar rover and crashes it right thru the wall of the fliming studio, and leads the bad guys on a chase thru the Nevada desert?


I had to download that film because you won't ever see it aired on any US tv station.  Why is that I wonder...

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Poll +4/-2 fact or hoax? 7/31/2023 6:28:08 PM
       Before I answer, is Buzz around? (NT)  +2/-0 Anonymous 7/31/2023 6:49:18 PM
       Poll  +3/-1 Gordo knows 7/31/2023 7:01:31 PM
         Poll  +0/-2 And yet 8/1/2023 9:37:58 AM
           Poll  +0/-0 gordo knows 8/1/2023 2:30:41 PM
             Poll  +0/-1 so there again 8/1/2023 2:58:19 PM
               Poll  +0/-0 cheech 8/1/2023 5:04:38 PM
                 Poll  +0/-0 MartianLivesMatter 8/1/2023 5:55:48 PM
                 Poll  +0/-0 MartianLivesMatter 8/1/2023 5:58:21 PM
           Poll  +0/-0 Sounds 8/2/2023 8:58:17 AM
       Poll  +5/-0 It's true, 7/31/2023 8:08:50 PM
       Poll  +0/-2 Diamonds are Forever 8/1/2023 9:53:11 AM
         Poll  +1/-0 mee  8/1/2023 10:05:17 AM
           Poll  +0/-1 Shalom 8/1/2023 10:35:25 AM
             Poll  +0/-2 Nah 8/1/2023 3:16:52 PM
               Poll  +0/-0 win the cold war 8/1/2023 3:26:12 PM
         Poll  +1/-0 Figure 8/1/2023 6:25:12 PM
           Poll  +0/-0 Z3 8/2/2023 9:00:44 AM
             Poll  +0/-0 Yes 8/2/2023 10:03:24 PM
           Poll  +0/-0 Z3 8/2/2023 9:00:45 AM
           Poll  +0/-0 Z3 8/2/2023 9:02:37 AM
           Poll  +1/-0 C O’Brien- 8/5/2023 9:17:17 AM
       Poll  +0/-1 Spaceace 8/1/2023 12:37:29 PM
         Poll  +1/-0 snoopy 8/1/2023 2:17:01 PM
           Poll  +0/-3 So, we sent an Electric 8/1/2023 3:02:20 PM
             Poll  +0/-0 Try Again Troll 8/1/2023 5:07:26 PM
               Poll  +0/-2 MartianLivesMatter 8/1/2023 6:01:20 PM
               Poll  +0/-2 narmstrong 8/1/2023 10:04:05 PM
             Poll  +0/-1 A very 8/2/2023 9:06:06 AM
               Poll  +0/-4 you know 8/2/2023 5:46:35 PM
                 Poll  +0/-0 Potatoe 8/2/2023 5:55:06 PM
                 Poll   +3/-1 kgb 8/3/2023 12:19:26 AM
                   Poll  +0/-4 You are not a gamer 8/3/2023 2:50:33 PM