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Wow. GMR recruiter spewing fake news

Wow. GMR recruiter spewing fake news  

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Author: AMC pays more   Date: 8/1/2023 12:18:16 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

AM pay is $82k-$92k base pay. Experience bonuses additional up to $20k per year. GeoMod up to 160% and AM doesnt false advertise salaries by including the geomod that always disappears every few years or months depending on what base. Sign on bonuses up to $50k. 3.25% and they got a 14-22% raise in August. Much better than GMR even with 401k, OT and training pay, and benefits. Best of all it's not GMR!

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Best HAA vendor provider and why (NT) +0/-1 Planning an exit strategy before closure 7/31/2023 10:59:46 AM