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Author: But   Date: 6/27/2023 9:13:10 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

They announced their new initiative to recruit more pilots to PHI today. Spoiler alert, it wasn't more money.
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Phi pilots +0/-1 Rumor out of Phoenix. 75k sign on 6/27/2023 3:09:45 PM
       Phi pilots  +0/-1 Topjimmy 6/27/2023 3:14:23 PM
       Wrong  +0/-0 But 6/27/2023 9:13:10 PM
         Wrong  +0/-0 Reggie 6/28/2023 12:21:44 PM
           Wrong  +1/-0 New weight 6/28/2023 1:26:33 PM
             Wrong  +1/-0 What was the new incentive  6/28/2023 1:58:04 PM