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Utility pilots

Utility pilots  

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Author: Equivalent    Date: 6/27/2023 10:35:54 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

the person who made this're just someone that no one cares for. Regardless of side of industry. You're the one we make fun of when you're not around. You're the one who is hard stuck at their current job because you've earned a bad rap. The mechanics despise you because you're afraid to fly with a bug on your window. You're all talk, have nothing to back it up, and you feel superior because your defense mechanism is to put down the people you're actually truely jealous of. 

we get it, and we all feel sorry for you. 

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Utility pilots +20/-4 Seriously have become  6/26/2023 8:29:38 PM