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Exodus of Instructors

Exodus of Instructors  

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Author: Teaching ain't fun   Date: 6/21/2023 8:09:00 AM  +8/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

It's actually quite tedious and boring. The best job in the world is line slime with an occasional overtime. Nothing due. Nothing late grace. No last minute hurry up and get this trained, he's on shift in two days.

Training gets shorted almost everywhere, especially in HAA.

Flight Safety used to be the gold standard. Eurocopter ground was a guy reading the training manual cover to cover, with good flight instruction. Much better under Airbus.

Bell is the last of it's kind. Army quality with guys in cowboy boots.

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Exodus of Instructors +0/-2 MedTrans 6/21/2023 3:38:23 AM