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Fake News

Fake News  

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Author: time coming quick for me too   Date: 6/17/2023 11:05:58 AM  +1/-1   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I agree, I planned on about 95-100K including SS, houses are paid off, kids out of school, just need toys now, the when the wife retires that will add about 2 more thousand a month

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Fake News +7/-3 Timed Out  6/17/2023 9:13:21 AM
       Fake News  +16/-1 no such thing anymore 6/17/2023 9:23:32 AM
         Fake News  +9/-19 what's amusing is 6/17/2023 9:29:19 AM
           Fake News  +6/-2 MSDNC 6/17/2023 12:34:25 PM
       Fake News  +1/-1 time coming quick for me too 6/17/2023 11:05:58 AM
         Fake News  +2/-1 Timed Out 6/17/2023 11:30:49 AM
         Fake News  +0/-1 say wut 6/17/2023 1:19:21 PM
         Fake News  +0/-1 cpa 6/17/2023 2:39:32 PM
           Fake News  +0/-1 Simple math cpa 6/17/2023 8:40:38 PM
       Fake News  +4/-3 NPR 6/17/2023 12:57:56 PM
         Fake News  +0/-0 You funny! 6/23/2023 7:17:04 AM
       Fake News  +2/-2 Understand bias 6/17/2023 1:02:01 PM
         Fake News  +0/-2 oldNtired 6/17/2023 2:19:28 PM
           Fake News  +2/-2 the maga monkeys 6/17/2023 2:30:38 PM
           Mmmmmmmmm (NT)  +0/-1 More Kool-Aid please. 6/17/2023 3:21:40 PM
         Fake News  +0/-2 Who made that chart 6/17/2023 7:43:18 PM
       Reuters  +4/-3 --- 6/17/2023 3:21:17 PM
         Reuters  +0/-1 What 6/19/2023 10:56:41 PM
       Fake News  +0/-1 Justnews 6/17/2023 7:57:59 PM