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Gaging and choking

Gaging and choking  

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Author: Heavy hitter   Date: 6/8/2023 3:29:24 AM  +7/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

 No can do. Fires don't happen much in eastern Canada and this show must be exploited for all they are worth. Emergency declarations must be made, much political fanfare about climate change before any fires will be addressed.

 Shortly after passing lots of emergency climate change referendums favorable to the parliamentary whim resources will be available.

 In the meantime fire fighters are being flown in from every continent with heavy hardware to follow to amass a group completely unable to address fire in terrain they've never seen. Good photo ops though.

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Gaging and choking +9/-1 Fat man 6/7/2023 6:20:31 PM