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Author: Hmm   Date: 5/10/2023 12:05:15 PM  +0/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

$1600 PM starting? In 1976 I started an offshoe job for $955 PM, $11400 annual.  Of course things improved and I retired in a 6 figure job.  Started at the bottom, finished at the top.,  

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Copilot? +0/-4 Offered a job 5/9/2023 10:46:38 PM
       Copilot?  +1/-1 Welcome to the  5/9/2023 11:20:38 PM
       Copilot? (NT)  +1/-1 TROLL 5/10/2023 2:48:38 AM
       Copilot?  +0/-2 OB 5/10/2023 3:41:11 AM
       Copilot?  +8/-1 Anonymous 5/10/2023 4:48:30 AM
         Copilot?  +0/-2 yeah 5/10/2023 6:04:26 AM
           Copilot?  +0/-0 U’ll 5/14/2023 9:11:54 PM
       Copilot?  +0/-1 drama queen 5/10/2023 10:24:02 AM
       Copilot?  +1/-1 Forgive me sir 5/10/2023 10:36:52 AM
         Copilot?  +0/-1 it's amazing that you guys say this 5/10/2023 11:46:06 AM
           Copilot?  +0/-2 Hmm 5/10/2023 12:05:15 PM
             Copilot?  +0/-0 say wut 5/10/2023 12:34:29 PM
       Copilot?  +1/-1 Another Old Guy 5/10/2023 5:36:59 PM
         Copilot?  +0/-1 The oldest guy 5/10/2023 8:34:54 PM
       Your time is worth way more than that...  +2/-1 you should walk... 5/11/2023 11:30:18 AM
       Copilot?  +0/-0 blade_slap 5/26/2023 12:30:40 AM