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Bose in Cold Temps

Bose in Cold Temps  

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Author: rsak   Date: 4/12/2023 3:26:34 PM  +5/-1  

FWIW...if any of you are flying with a Bose in cold weather and are tired of having rock-solid ear seals each time you put on your headset or helmet, I finally found a company that sells replacement earseals that are not made of memory foam.  These are made from regular high-density foam and they remain soft in cold temps.  Yes, I know...#firstworldproblems

They were rather inexpensive ($15), and was a bit of a struggle to install...but I did get them on eventually.  We'll see how long they last. 

Here's a link:

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Bose in Cold Temps +5/-1 rsak 4/12/2023 3:26:34 PM