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Special Issuance (Medical)

Special Issuance (Medical)  

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Author: Just some pilot   Date: 3/2/2023 2:20:51 PM  +0/-0  

So a question for you folks who have been through the Special Issuance process.  I'm one of those guys whose medical got reviewed by the folks in OKC, who then sent it to DC for final signoff and my return to flying.
My question is really only for those people whose paperwork went to DC.  Those of you who got allowed back to work by OKC, congratulations. 
But if your file went to DC, how long did DC have it before they gave you a decision?  There's a job waiting on this, but it won't wait forever.  

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Special Issuance (Medical) +0/-0 Just some pilot 3/2/2023 2:20:51 PM