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PHI $50k sign-on bonus

PHI $50k sign-on bonus  

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Author: Maverick   Date: 2/27/2023 7:42:31 PM  +0/-0   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

Correct. I don't recall a raise last year. As for the 401. It is now "Discretionary" and is based on the financial performance of the company. If the financial goals are not met you get nothing. If the goals are met then it is possible to be paid up to the 3% so long as you are putting in your part. Last time it was paid out I only got a little over 2k and I was putting in 12%. We got zero this time and it will likely be the same next time. Good news is though you can make a killing on over-time and emergency operations bonuses. 

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PHI $50k sign-on bonus +0/-0 What’s the catch? 2/27/2023 12:26:10 AM