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Author: One Mind Any Weapon   Date: 2/24/2023 5:43:01 PM  +2/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

121 guy you need to get with the times. Talking about 7 years ago!? The ems industry is in its prime and medical crews must be treated with the respect a crew deserves. That means they will read checklists whenever it is required of them. Including non memory item emergency checklists! 

We are punishing the past for its incompetence and moving into the future! How about you lead follow or get out of the way. 

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Left ems +16/-0 121 guy 2/24/2023 5:07:00 PM
       Left ems  +1/-5 my guess 2/24/2023 5:15:56 PM
       Left ems  +2/-5 One Mind Any Weapon 2/24/2023 5:43:01 PM
         Left ems  +4/-1 lol 2/24/2023 6:20:01 PM
           Left ems  +11/-0 Ghftgjigth say wut treefiddy 2/24/2023 7:48:41 PM
             Left ems  +1/-1 it's work 2/24/2023 8:04:53 PM
         Left ems (NT)  +0/-0 I will ""block" stupidity 2/24/2023 7:46:07 PM
         Left ems  +1/-1 Hmmm 2/24/2023 9:09:09 PM
           Left ems  +5/-0 that will be about never 2/24/2023 9:17:51 PM
             Left ems  +1/-2 Walmart greeter  2/24/2023 10:09:47 PM
               Left ems  +0/-1 huh 2/24/2023 10:23:03 PM
           Left ems  +0/-0 pistol pete 3/9/2023 8:48:37 PM
       Left ems  +2/-0 Old timer on JH 2/25/2023 12:44:25 AM
       Left ems  +0/-0 They  2/28/2023 11:05:46 AM