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Pilot pay raises

Pilot pay raises  

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Author: vs new hire pilot pay   Date: 2/19/2023 8:49:53 PM  +20/-3  

I think most pilots this past year got pay raises (finally).  And from what I've seen, nearly every new pilot job posting is also reflecting higher pay.  But I've seen in many cases, companies are hiring new pilots starting out at higher pay than pilots that have been with their company for years.  In addition to simply making more $ as a new hire than longevity pilots, companies are giving new hire pilots sign on and retention bonuses, some more than $40k.  

Companies aren't seeming to reward loyalty and appreciation for pilot's that have been with them for years, and made their company what it is.  I've talked to a lot of pilots that are frustrated by this, and by making less $ than new hire pilots.  Until pilots just start quitting in droves and applying for new pilot positions, I don't see this ever changing.  What's your experience? And innovative ideas to help this problem?  

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Pilot pay raises +20/-3 vs new hire pilot pay 2/19/2023 8:49:53 PM