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Phi forcing pilots into slave labor

Phi forcing pilots into slave labor  

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Author: ironic cronic    Date: 2/19/2023 1:46:52 PM  +7/-5   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

I find it funny that during training... pilots learn that a company can fly them 8 hours in a 14 hour duty day.... they get excited. and eager to work... they work like crazy to build some hours as an insturctor then go off and get that first turbine job....  They fly 5-6 hours a day and then complain they are overworked...   then they go off to HEMS and fly 1-2 hours per day and complain even more that they are overworked and working conditions are crap....  


Thinking they did not fully think about anything other than being able to say they are a pilot.  

Those that are not happy.  quit and go do something else... or as others have said purchase and run your own company and build it so that the pilots you hire will have the life you feel you deserve.... I would bet money that they day you open your company you will run it like every other company out there....  flying pilots as much as possible within the duty day allowed by the FAA.   


Enough of my rant :) 

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Phi forcing pilots into slave labor +2/-2 Curious George  2/18/2023 9:03:54 PM