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Author: you're still mad   Date: 2/2/2023 11:09:27 AM  +4/-2   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

about just being a passenger but try to get past it.

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HAA +0/-10 Who do you serve? 2/2/2023 9:19:40 AM
       HAA  +4/-2 you're still mad 2/2/2023 11:09:27 AM
         HAA  +0/-1 OP 2/2/2023 3:38:37 PM
           HAA  +0/-2 uh 2/2/2023 4:36:40 PM
             HAA  +1/-1 AEL manager 2/2/2023 4:40:52 PM
               HAA  +2/-2 So So pilot 2/2/2023 4:46:11 PM
                 HAA  +0/-2 Yes 2/2/2023 4:49:06 PM
               HAA  +2/-1 Op  2/2/2023 4:51:00 PM
                 HAA  +0/-2 say wut 2/2/2023 4:55:09 PM
                 HAA  +0/-1 that's what they teach you in 2/2/2023 5:09:34 PM
                   HAA  +0/-1 Op 2/2/2023 5:47:16 PM
                     HAA  +0/-1 Class A airspace  2/2/2023 8:16:13 PM
       HAA   +3/-2 I hear ya' 2/2/2023 6:01:34 PM
       HAA  +1/-1 :-) 2/3/2023 12:37:53 AM
       HAA  +0/-0 The one who writes the paycheck 2/5/2023 7:17:07 PM
       HAA  +1/-0 Never 2/6/2023 9:41:41 PM