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CNN & FOX News both

CNN & FOX News both  

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Author: Please explain   Date: 2/2/2023 10:44:38 AM  +5/-3   Show Orig. Msg (this window) Or  In New Window

How it is a LIE when it's clearly NOT? The FAA changed the AME guidance. Why? have you personally asked a group of AMEs their thoughts? How about the hundreds of FAILED ekgs that were automatically sent to OKC the weeks after the shots rolled out? Go ask you AME how many 121 guys have failed their ekg in the last 2 years vs prior years. Bet you'll get a real quick case of FOOT in MOUTH.

youre just one of the many that cannot fathom your false gods sold you on a shot that may potentially be bad and you're trying to justify your decision making of being tricked into taking it. Brainwashed. You'll be singing a different tune if down the road, you start having issues, then hopefully You'll wake up.


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CNN & FOX News both +9/-8 Anyone else 2/1/2023 8:31:37 PM